At Naahar Public School (NPS), the emphasis is more on learning where the academic programs get the highest priority. We have dedicated and well-experienced teachers and support staff, who are further trained by the Maharishi Vidya Mandir Faculty and the 'Miracle Makers' (a Teacher Training forum) based on the concept of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which is the highly effective science for personal excellence.
Pada Naahar Sekolah Umum (NPS), penekanannya lebih pada belajar di mana program akademik mendapatkan prioritas tertinggi. Kami telah mendedikasikan dan guru berpengalaman dan staf pendukung, yang selanjutnya dilatih oleh Maharishi Vidya Mandir Fakultas dan 'Makers Keajaiban' (sebuah forum Pelatihan Guru) berdasarkan konsep Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), yang merupakan ilmu yang sangat efektif untuk keunggulan pribadi.